You know how you graduate from high school and college and are expected to know all things "adulting"? Like personal finance, time management, goal setting, etc. I don't know about you but I did not learn much about Personal Finances (budgeting, debt, savings, or retirement) before I started my career. Instead, I learned everything the hard way and it cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars!
I personally believe that if people talk about money more openly, we could save a lot of people out there from some terrible financial decisions/situations. I know handling money isn't engineering related BUT your personal finances will definitely have an affect on your career.
If you are a young professional, what is your biggest question about money? If you are a more experienced professional, what is the ONE thing you wish you knew earlier on that would have helped you?I am sharing all of my own personal mistakes, discoveries, and tips in a 4-part Personal Finance Video Series. Registrants can join me live Tuesday nights 6-7pm MST in May and then get access to the replays when they are available. You are welcome to
register here.
Nicolai Oliden P.E., M.ASCE
Roadway Team Leader/Office Manager
ETHOS Engineers
Tempe AZ