I am most prone to forgetting people's names when I meet them en masse, then never hear their names again. Often, I will be able to differentiate their faces and our histories afterwards, but not what their names were.
To that end, I focus on remembering the names of a few specific people, especially the ones I will keep speaking to again and again. I usually write their names down after hearing them, so we can stay in touch after the fact, and so I can keep seeing these names too.
Having iPhones has enhanced this process, since I also could memorize what form of access I have, and the context of our meetings.
Alexander Granato A.M.ASCE
Bexley OH
Original Message:
Sent: 05-16-2022 11:38 AM
From: Christopher Seigel
Subject: Numbers of Names
I was talking with some colleagues recently, and remarked that one of them does such a good job of remembering names and features of people they meet.
I have also heard before that there is an average of 150 names and faces a person can recall without additional prompting. (referenced near the bottom of this link How Many People Can You Remember?)
I was wondering if anyone wanted to share tips that work for them when it comes to remembering the names of people they meet.
For myself, I often choose to write down names of new people, particularly if I meet many at once. If I end up continuing to talk or meet one of them over and over, I will naturally form a relationship and remember them on my own. (However I can't help but wonder if that means I'm evicting the name of some other loose acquaintance out of my head to compensate).
What about you?
Christopher Seigel P.E., M.ASCE
Civil Engineer