Thanks for posting, Danielle. I work in construction and I am going to share this article with our safety professional. I have two main thoughts on ladies PPE.
1. The sizes
Although I don't see a huge safety issue (yes, the vest is more likely to get caught when it's loose), the larger vest is baggy and uncomfortable especially if I have something in the pockets. I also don't think I look very professional because the vest is hanging off of me. I would love a vest that is my tailored for my size. I have had safety professionals tell me that the smaller vests don't meet safety regulations because there is a minimum sq, inch area of reflectivity required, but this can be resolved by making the band thicker. It's also frustrating when my project gives out t-shirts for meeting a challenge or milestone, and the smallest size is a men's medium. It makes me feel isolated because I did the same work as everyone else and I feel left out of the celebration.
2. The colors
The gear that I find made for women come in colors pink, purple and maybe one neutral color. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't find purple work boots professional.
I've often thought that someone should start a PPE line for women. It would make women feel more welcome in the industry, and allow them to do their job better. Thanks, Karen, for posting the links.
Lauren Reiter-Mailloux P.E., M.ASCE
Sterling Heights MI
Original Message:
Sent: 11-21-2019 07:47
From: Danielle Schroeder
Subject: Launching PPE Based on Feedback from Female Workforce
In the article, he notes the danger that ill-fitting PPE can be: "This can lead to a variety of concerns, most importantly that of safety. If gloves are too large, an individual's dexterity is reduced and they cannot properly grasp onto things. Long and baggy vests are more likely to catch or snag on handrails, doors, and equipment."
I have experience with this topic first-hand when I went to buy my first pair of work boots! To get properly fitting boots in a store, I had to get a size 5.5 from the boy's section. (Thankfully I now have options like Red Wing and other shoe stores to buy in women's boots in store and many more options online)
Additional article on the topic:
Excited to hear your thoughts on the topic or if you having similar experiences of what you did to find proper fitting PPE.
Danielle Schroeder EIT, A.M.ASCE
Associate Engineer
Pennoni Associates
Philadelphia PA