There is a lot of advice out there during this pandemic on how to reduce stress. What I'm curious to know is how you unwind or let go of the stress from work.
When I was younger I loved to read. I went to the library multiple times a week. When I started to really see the impact stress from work was having on me, I tried to start reading again. I found it difficult to focus, and it wasn't as relaxing as I expected it to be.
Then, I read something that really struck me. It basically said that if your work primarily involves your mind, you should relax/refresh by doing a physical activity or something using your hands. If your work is primarily physically tiring, you should relax by using your mind.
That inspired me to reassess how I unwind. Now when I need to slow my thoughts I go for a walk, watercolor, or listen to an audio book while moving.
What strategies have you found for relaxing after work? Are there any activities you find particularly rewarding?------------------------------
Heidi Wallace EI,P.E.,M.ASCE
Tulsa OK