Great question. Thank you for bringing that up.
I serve as the Chair of the ASCE Task Committee on the Code of Ethics. Per the governing documents of ASCE, when a substantial item is up for discussion and approval by the Board of Direction that item must appear on the agenda for two consecutive Board Meetings. The proposed Code of Ethics was on the agenda for the July Board meeting and the Board approved the proposed Code on First Reading. The Code is on the agenda for the upcoming October meeting. It will be discussed and voted on for Second Reading at that time. If the Board approves the proposed Code in October, it would official go into effect at that time.
That would be the end of two years of significant outreach and engagement activities by the Task Committee on the Code of Ethics. The process used in developing the Proposed Code of Ethics has been rigorous, thorough, thoughtful, and consensus-building.
I hope that addresses your question.
Brock Barry Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE
Professor of Engineering Education
Salisbury Mills NY
Original Message:
Sent: 10-13-2020 06:09 PM
From: Danielle Schroeder
Subject: Asking For A Friend: Ethics Workshop
Thanks, @Tirza Austin for starting this thread - Looking at the ASCE's ethics page (https://www.asce.org/ethics/ ) it appears that the ASCE board of direction will be voting on the proposed new code of ethics later this month.
If approved, what are the next steps? How and when does this effect trickle down to the section/branch level?
Danielle Schroeder EIT, A.M.ASCE (She/her)
Associate Engineer
Pennoni Associates
Philadelphia PA
Original Message:
Sent: 10-11-2020 08:58 PM
From: Tirza Austin
Subject: Asking For A Friend: Ethics Workshop
Do you have a question about an ethical situation? You're invited to participate in an ethics workshop in ASCE Career by Design. All submitted questions will be reviewed by ethics experts and receive a response by October 20 on this thread. Click reply to submit your question.
For this event, we have temporarily enabled the "Post Anonymously" feature so you can anonymously post your question.
Quick reminder: All questions must comply with the ASCE Collaborate Code of Conduct.
I look forward to hearing from you!
****This event is for ASCE members only. You can join ASCE here.
Read the experts bios here.
Tirza Austin
Manager, Online Community
American Society of Civil Engineers
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191