Hello everyone!
Great topic. ASCE is surely a great organization to develop your career and grow professionally. Personally, one of the things I've found most rewarding is the
ASCE Mentor Match platform. Whether as a mentor or mentee, this platform allows you to learn and give back to the industry in a balanced way. It is also a great tool for networking and making connections that may be helpful later in your career. I recommend setting up your profiles on the platform and start forming relationships.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
What ASCE membership benefits do you enjoy the most?
Salvador Bentolila P.E., ENV SP, M.ASCE
New York NYSalvador Bentolila P.E., ENV SP, M.ASCE
New York NY
Original Message:
Sent: 01-19-2022 09:37 PM
From: Tugsdelger Chinbat
Subject: ASCE new membership guide
Hello everyone!
I'm new here and would like to start a thread on how to make the ASCE membership the most out of it.
Name one (or more) ASCE membership benefit that you think was the most useful or helpful for you and your career development.
It can be a program that you've attained, conferences, courses, mentorship, events, etc.
I'd be very happy to hear about your experiences and journey as an ASCE member.
Thank you so much.
Tugsdelger Chinbat S.M.ASCE