Thank you for posting the photo. This spired building on Vine Street was one of my projects! I don't think I have ever experienced "remnants" as strong as Ida.
Going to check things out can be dangerous! With that in mind, I think flooding presents a unique perspective regarding disasters. In Rhode Island, the great flood of 2010 stands as one of the worst in a century. Driving home from work, I saw baseball fields flooded and had to detour around a flooded road. I had to cross the bridge into Connecticut and go back over in order to get home. I had never seen the water rushing so high or fast under the bridge, it was closed shortly after and reopened after inspection. One cannot fathom how floods can happen anywhere, without warning until it is experienced first hand. Places you would never expect can be flooded.
So learning from hydrology class and keeping track of the weather patterns can provide some sense of warning. We know that flows and floods can have a delay. Snow and rainfall weeks and months before the event contribute greatly. One big storm won't be an issue, normally. It is an accumulation and rising water table.
Chad Morrison P.E., M.ASCE
Professional Engineer
Greenville RI
Original Message:
Sent: 09-05-2021 12:43 PM
From: Christopher Seigel
Subject: Personal observations ("ground-truthing") after major events
By now, many of us have been exposed to some form of natural disaster or other kind of event that has impacted the built environment in which we live. The most recent one for me was having the remnants of Tropical Storm Ida hit Philadelphia and the surrounding communities (and states). Power was knocked out in many places and most notably in Philadelphia, heavy flooding was observed. Some of the most widespread images from the city included Interstate 676 (the Vine Street Expressway) becoming completed submerged by floodwaters. The result is that it had the appearance of a canal in Italy. Picture attached.
Many of my friends and co-workers were able to take some time after the storm to walk the city and personally observe the different flooded reasons. Some had to do this for work purposes, but many did it strictly out of a personal interest.
Have you ever gone out after an event that has impacted the world around you to personally try to view it? Do you do this out of interest to see "what everyone is talking about", or do you want to see if by viewing it, you can inherently better understand the world around you?
Christopher Seigel P.E., M.ASCE
Civil Engineer