Despite what many may think, being a licensed professional engineer (PE) does not mean you are at the pinnacle of your field. In fact, it means quite the opposite.
A professional engineering license is an indication that you meet the minimum requirements to independently perform and oversee engineering work – often referred to as being “in responsible charge.”
However, although it does serve as an indicator of minimum competency, the P.E. is still a great achievement that requires considerable effort to attain.
The goal of this article is to highlight some of the many benefits of being a licensed (or registered) professional engineer. So, without further ado, below is a list of the top six benefits of professional engineering licensure.
1. CredibilityThe PE designation is a highly respected and broadly recognized designation for engineering competence and ability. Having the PE designation on your business card, in your email signature, and on your LinkedIn profile can widely signal your credibility as an engineer. In addition, a conservative interpretation of many state engineering regulations would reveal that you can’t even call yourself an engineer (technically) until you’ve obtained your PE license!
2. AuthorityIn many jurisdictions, only a P.E. can be in responsible charge of engineering work. That often means only a licensed P.E. can sign and seal engineering work product, including drawings, reports, calculations, and specifications. So, if you want to be in charge, you’ve got to take the necessary steps to obtain your P.E. license.
3. AdvancementYour career progression may involve being in responsible charge of engineering work that will require you to get your PE license. In addition, many engineering companies require those at and above certain levels to have their P.E. So, attaining your P.E. can provide you the opportunity to take those next steps in your career.
4. OpportunitiesSpeaking of opportunities, having a P.E. license can open many other doors in your career. These can include eligibility for a wider range of employment opportunities, the ability to serve in technical advisory roles (for example, on committees), the authority to run your own engineering business, and even the opportunity to perform certain specialized work like serving as an expert witness.
5. Improved Earning PotentialThe numbers don’t lie. As highlighted in the 2018 ASCE Civil Engineering Salary Report, licensed engineers make more on average than their nonlicensed counterparts. So if your goal is to earn more money for the work you do, a P.E. credential can help make that dream a reality.
6. Job SecurityWith the uncertain and ever-changing job market, a P.E. license can improve your job security and stability by differentiating you from your peers. While it may not always be the case, having a P.E. typically makes you a more desirable candidate for retention because you have the ability to be in responsible charge of work, not to mention that often you can bill your time at a higher rate than those without their license.
In the end, the good news is that the hard work of obtaining your P.E. license has the potential to benefit you in many different and important ways. So, have I missed anything? What are your thoughts on the subject? How have you benefited from obtaining your P.E., or how do you expect to? Let me know in the comments below.
Cliff A. Jones, S.E., P.E., PSP, M.ASCE, is a civil/structural engineer located in Austin, Texas, who has expertise in protective design, physical security, force protection and structural forensics.
Follow him on LinkedInCheck out Cliff's second article about licensure:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Multistate Licensure.