Recent post from Wash., DC, and bicycle issues: FHWA issues grants to promote active transportation projects and job training The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently announced grant awards through programs ...
Trust some of the contents will prove of interest. Cheers, Bill ------------------------------ William M. Hayden Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE Buffalo, N.Y. "It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot 1819 - 1880 ...
Dear, The 5 most 'bicycle-friendly' states ------------------------------ With warm regards, Narsimha Chary Poloju Immediate Past President | ...
Dear, In continuation to my earlier emails below free online courses especially student members. Improving your skills set is of importance and we hope that the four free courses offered by the Engineers 4 Europe learning platform may be beneficial. ...
Mitch, The 5th edition to the AASHTO Guide to the Development of Bicycle Facilities is also being released this month. It represents the latest state of the practice, and incorporates additional/new facility types like separated bike lanes, bicycle ...
A fascinating topic in geotechnical engineering! Here's ... more
On Thursday, December 19th, we’ll discuss “Social Justice and Sustainability, Ethics, Equity & Health.” Bring your questions. Get to know each other. Share your expertise.
On Thursday, November 21st, we’ll discuss “Blueprint for Success: Resume Tips for Civil Engineers.” Bring your questions. Get to know each other. Share your expertise.
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