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POA&M Structural Engineering, PLC
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James Williams, P.E., M.ASCE

POA&M Structural Engineering, PLC


1 to 5 of 10 total
Posted By James Williams 05-22-2023 10:03 AM
Found In Egroup: Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange
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The images brought back so many memories but may not be keeping up with the times given parkour ("The practice of traversing obstacles in a man-made ..." ) and freerunning. Are there any images of the big guy stepping on or standing on the rail to access a part of the roof? I have placed and/or ...
Posted By James Williams 01-10-2023 04:29 PM
Found In Egroup: Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange
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I would assess the whole depth-to-length ratio for an overhang made up of an individual component. More than likely, I would do the same for an overhang that is an assemblage of structural elements, except I would probably look at the bottom component - tinkering on a global check for which it is insignificant ...
Posted By James Williams 12-30-2022 04:20 AM
Found In Community: Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange
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In the early pages of ASCE 7 you find text that says "ASCE does not intend, nor should anyone interpret, ASCE's standards to replace the sound judgment of a competent professional, having knowledge and experience in the appropriate field(s) of practice, ... ." In my professional opinion, documenting ...
Posted By James Williams 11-10-2022 08:46 AM
Found In Community: Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange
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Alex: 1) What code are you referencing? 2) Do you have an example of the type and orientations of your connections? 3) Do you use AISC's Manual of Steel Construction? It does a great job these days of providing connection details especially tubing and pipes. AISC also provides a manual for Seismic regions, ...
Posted By James Williams 11-02-2022 10:24 AM
Found In Community: Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange
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Hopefully I am reading the question correctly. In my experience, the overhang may consist of an assembly of structural components like a roof rafter and soffit support in addition to cladding. In fact, some overhangs are significantly larger and consisting of trusses or truss-like structures. Disclaimer: ...