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Eng. Horacio Galicia-Gaona, Ing., S.E., M.ASCE


I'm a Civil Engineer with a Master Degree in Strucutral Engineering.
In my career I've participated in the design of several simple multi-span bridges with a total length of up 150 meters; design of several retrofiting of RC existing bridges by superstructure external posttensioning; RC building structures of up 12 stories and industrial steel structures of up 5 stories.
My academic work was focus on:
- Bachelor: Assessment of seismic vulnerability of existing buildings, retrofit of RC and Masonry structures. Conducted by the PhD Manuel Jara Diaz at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo in Mexico.
- Master: Seismic retrofit of RC Structures with CFRP and other techniques. Conducted by the PhD Jose Manuel Jara Guerrero (Member of the Mexican  Engineering Academy) at the Univesidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo in Mexico.

I have three children and I like to spend time with them, we are all (my family) "scouts from Mexico", then we like camping and outdoor life. I like hiking and mountains, with my scout gruop we've reached the top of a mountain with a height o 3800 msnm, Tancitaro's Pick, in Michoacan. My children are still small for that, but I hope that one day I can go with them there.

In my country there are few oportunities to be involved in the desin of "interesting" structures, because the economicall investment is lesser. I mean, in the city were I live, the most of the buildings are housing 4 story mansonry or RC Structures; that is why I'm interested in learning about the "real challenges" that Strctural engineers face in more developed countries, and why not?, maybe one day I will participate by designing structures in them.