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Starboard Tack Consulting
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Mr. Martin Hanson, P.E., F.ASCE

Starboard Tack Consulting


Martin Hanson, originally from Burnsville Minnesota, obtained his Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree with a transportation emphasis from the University of Minnesota in 1977. He was awarded a Master’s degree in Business Administration from University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire in 1998. Hanson is a licensed Professional Engineer in Wisconsin and six other states. He is an American Society of Civil Engineers Fellow and a National Society of Professional Engineers member. Mr. Hanson’s career has included work for private consultants, local government, and federal government. He recently retired from Ayres Associates in Eau Claire where he held various titles including Manager, Vice President, and Director of Transportation Relations. At Ayres Associates, Mr. Hanson managed large projects including the 2-lane to 4-lane expansion of STH 29 from Abbotsford to Marathon City, including the Abbotsford Bypass in central Wisconsin and the relocation of STH 29 from Elk Mound to Chippewa Falls in West Central Wisconsin; as well as urban and local roadway projects across the state. Hanson served on the Wisconsin State board for professional licensure for eight years, including serving as chairman. More recently, Mr. Hanson was appointed to the Wisconsin Transportation Finance and Policy Commission created in the 2011-2013 biennial state budget to study the transportation needs and funding options. Mr. Hanson is also active in the community serving as a Junior Achievement instructor and serving as an officer on several boards in northern Wisconsin. Currently Mr. Hanson has a transportation public policy company, Starboard Tack Consulting. He is also working for the University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire as an instructor in the College of Business.