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Donley Construction Consultants
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Mr. John Donley, A.M.ASCE

Donley Construction Consultants


Principal Construction Consultant
Over 40 years of experience in the construction trade. Managed projects up to $38 million, provided dispute resolution services on claims up to $30 million.

1982 – Current  Principal of Donley Construction Consultants, San Rafael and Los Angeles, CA. Services include project management, claims analysis and estimating. Provided services on over 500 projects. Provided successful technical consultation on 40 school construction dispute resolution projects. Served as AAA arbitrator and mediator in 60 matters.  Served as Building Official and Inspector for 6 municipalities. 

1992 – 95   High-Point Rendel, San Francisco, CA Project Manager in delay and disruption claim analysis on a wide range of projects, with an emphasis on schools. Performed all aspects of estimating, scheduling and claim analysis: conceptual, design, changed conditions and remedial. Developed a program in school dispute resolution.

1989 – 91  West Engineers and Associates, San Francisco, CA Project Manager of $38 million San Jose International Airport Parking Garage “A” and estimator on Terminal “A.” Project Manager’s responsibilities included day-to-day administration, review of change orders, negotiation of claims, monitoring schedule and payment requests, monthly reporting and planning with the Airport and City of San Jose Department of Public Works. Managed $0.5 million acceleration plan and settled a $5.7 million claim.

1980 – 82  Castle Construction Company, San Rafael, CA Project Manager responsible for estimating and supervising residential and commercial construction projects ranging from $10,000 to $500,000.

1974 – 80   Donley Construction Company, San Rafael, CA Owner of a construction company specializing in residential alterations and additions.

General Building Contractor, #370887: California. 1979
Certified Building Inspector, #59196: International Conference of Building Officials 1996
Certified General Inspector, #1675: State of California, Department of State Architect 1999
Certified Building Analyst, #5037548 Building Performance Institute, 2012

Michigan State University Bachelor of Science Degree 1970
California Polytechnic State University, Master of Science in Architecture, 2014