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Komar University of Science and Technology
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Prince Ako Hama, Ph.D., M.ASCE

Komar University of Science and Technology


My name is Asst. Prof. Dr. Ako Rashed Hama and bellow is my short bio 

I was born in Sulaimania , 1972 . I am holding BS in civil engineering from civil engineering department university of Baghdad ,1995 . Also  Ph.D. and M.Sc  degree  in Environmental & Sanitary Engineering from Environmental Engineering branch , School of Building and Construction ,   University of Technology  . I have been in academic trend since  2000. I occupied several academic positions . Also , I occupied head of teaching quality assurance and continuous academic learning from 2009-2011 in collage of engineering  , University of Sulaimania , Iraq . 

Also , I have been awarded many thanks and appreciation latter from different academic and governor sections .    

Besides of my academic positions and jobs , I have been in charged  to teach different core and general engineering curses as in the teaching  tab

I have published more than 11  scientific papers . 

I am proudly an international outstanding  Elsevier Journals reviewer. 

Also , I worked tenths of  projects with my students.

Now  and  since September 2016 , I have been in-charge the position of Chairman of Civil Engineering Department in Komar University for Technology and Science . 

Thank you for your patient and reading my short bio.   

Ako Rashed Hama 

 February 2020