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Charles Ou-Yang


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Posted By Charles Ou-Yang 10-27-2021 07:57 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I think a public transport pass is an awesome idea! It's not much money for the company, and it encourages the green habits and an awareness to our built environment. I think besides having it free... there should be rewards for reducing carbon footprint, and perhaps company outings using these modes ...
Posted By Charles Ou-Yang 10-27-2021 07:57 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Hey Tucker, I was an Economics major. At age 35 decided to pursue a MS in Civil. I think you can see if your surrounding school would offer a MS civil for non traditional route. For me BS has more lab classes, and MS has more writing and research. Both fundamentally the same. For work, I think ...
Posted By Charles Ou-Yang 10-27-2021 07:57 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I work on a job site with 350 person, and we all have a vaccination mandate on top of a mask mandate. I don't think its hard to ask for such a standard, and I would think a caring contractor in the residential home market would be able to do the basic of making his/her client feel at ease. It's your ...