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Mr. Tel Jensen


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Posted By Tel Jensen 11-16-2017 01:06 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I don't buy that ranking. Considering the organization that published the report, though, the preferred funding method is no surprise. I have read posts written on this forum--by members much more familiar with road engineering than I am--that indicate damage to roads is approximately proportional ...
Posted By Tel Jensen 06-05-2017 09:46 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Despite my skepticism of literature published by the Cato Institute, I read the article linked above. I did not find the author's argument compelling. I do agree that modern life is complex, and I'm glad that it is. Complexity correlates well with resiliency. Far from supporting or facilitating complexity, ...
Posted By Tel Jensen 05-22-2017 09:51 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Yes. Limited access highways need not be designed for pedestrians and bicyclists. Apologies if I seemed to be suggesting that. However, increasing the capacity and design speed of those highways comes at enormous cost, both immediately and far into the future. The costs of construction and maintenance ...
Posted By Tel Jensen 05-10-2017 04:03 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Martin: land value capture has not been explicitly discussed, but it is certainly near the heart of the issue at hand. I'm not at all certain which societies you would consider progressive, but that is how infrastructure is alleged and assumed to be funded here. Unfortunately, the additional tax revenue ...
Posted By Tel Jensen 05-09-2017 10:03 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Stephen Hemphill wrote: The statement "Contrary to the assertion that roads create productivity, they are an incredible drag on the economy at all levels, from national to local" seems to forget history as well, as it treats the economy as a zero-sum game. Expanding markets expands the economy, ...