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Auburn University
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Mr. Michael Perez, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE

Auburn University


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Posted By Michael Perez 10-11-2019 06:04 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Yance, These are great pointers - thank you for the feedback. It seems that in today's economy finding internships or part-time engineering related experience is relatively easy. When I went through my undergrad program, it was in the middle of the recession and those opportunities were very rare ...
Posted By Michael Perez 10-11-2019 06:03 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Thanks Jesse! We appreciate your insight. Glad to hear you find the ePortfolio a helpful tool. Our University has a big initiative with ePortfolios, I'm sure you'll start seeing more and more with applicants. Cheers, Mike ------------------------------ Michael Perez Ph.D., EI, A.M.ASCE Iowa ...
Posted By Michael Perez 10-11-2019 06:03 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Kensey, Thanks for the feedback. To clarify, would you recommend a student always show their GPA, even if its low? What's the best way for a candidate to explain a low GPA? Would that be something to elaborate on in a cover letter? I very much like your suggestion of listing contributions instead ...
Posted By Michael Perez 10-01-2019 04:54 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Calling all who recruit undergraduate Civil and Construction students: What do you look for in a resume? What makes a strong and lasting impression when you're sorting through a list of applicants? Are you using ePortfolios to find strong candidates? We're collecting feedback from industry professionals ...