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Consulting - Coastal, Port and Marine Engineering

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Dr. Dilip Barua, Ph.D., P.Eng, M.ASCE

Consulting - Coastal, Port and Marine Engineering


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Posted By Dilip Barua 07-25-2024 10:03 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Bill, here are something I like to share on human skills – let's say, soft but competent skills. The first is on human-AI team, the second is on cultural differences in the perception of Team Works. Human-AI Team On this, one can start by imagining a case where the teammate is not another person ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 07-24-2024 08:19 PM
Found In Library: Professional and Career Topics
Posted By Dilip Barua 07-05-2024 10:49 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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It's an important topic of practical interest – and many earlier threads and discussion posts on this Forum have materials relevant to this topic. I like to add a little to what Mitch has discussed: . . . finding a value proposition . . . the counterparty . . . scarcity mentality . . . by cooperating ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 06-24-2024 10:57 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Congratulations, Christopher on your assuming the new role of a manager. Hope, it would lead to the fulfillment of your ambition and aspiration. Also, as in the Leadership and Management – hope that the expectations of – to do things right – set by a leader – to do right things – would not fail ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 06-04-2024 10:17 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Great contribution seeded with valuable practical experiences. Thanks for sharing. I like to add a little to your comment penned down in the 4th para on climate change . . . If climate conditions are no longer stationary . . . climate-related civil engineering standards. . . are no longer reliable . ...