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Mrs. Rebecca Waldrup, P.E.


1 to 5 of 6 total
Posted By Rebecca Waldrup 03-09-2022 07:51 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I'm sorry, Mitchell I totally dropped the ball on this one despite thinking 24/7 before I called it a day and hit the hay. I thought I would get my act together the next day, so went back to the drawing board as soon as I had my first cup of joe. To make a long story short, I found this task no piece ...
Posted By Rebecca Waldrup 04-15-2021 10:06 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Here's a recent article that might be of interest to readers of this discussion thread: ------------------------------ Becky Waldrup P.E., M.ASCE Senior Manager, Professional Activities American Society of ...
Posted By Rebecca Waldrup 04-12-2021 04:09 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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A general contractor I once worked for required project managers to attend in-house media training. This was very eye-opening and helpful, giving us more confidence when speaking about projects to anyone outside the project team and knowing when to refer inquiries to our communications staff or leadership. ...
Posted By Rebecca Waldrup 12-15-2020 09:11 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Hi, Oanh. I'm not sure what your timing is on the switch, but you and others beginning or transitioning to a new career path might find ASCE's new "Career Discovery Series" helpful. The first segment, "Explore Engineering Careers in Public Agencies" is scheduled to air on Thursday, January 28, 2021. ...
Posted By Rebecca Waldrup 03-17-2020 09:27 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Currently, ASCE's staff is on telework through the end of the month. So far, my plan is to: Keep my normal wake-up time. I only have a 15-20 min. commute, so no commute gives me a little extra time in the a.m. but not really much change. Keep my same morning routine of stretches, breakfast, ...