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Alvi Associates, Inc.
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Mr. Irfan Alvi, P.E., M.ASCE

Alvi Associates, Inc.


1 to 5 of 30 total
Posted By Irfan Alvi 03-21-2020 09:57 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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In my firm, we came to the conclusion that teleworking is currently the only reliable way to prevent transmission of the virus between co-workers. Current estimates are that about half or more of the people who are infected and contagious have minor or no symptoms, which may resemble colds and flus, ...
Posted By Irfan Alvi 03-16-2020 01:35 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I'd like to know the thoughts of the nominees on how ASCE can provide leadership for the civil engineering community to assist the nation and the world in dealing with the current coronavirus pandemic and being better prepared for future pandemics. ------------------------------ Irfan A. Alvi, P.E., ...
Posted By Irfan Alvi 03-13-2020 10:22 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Tona, Thanks for sharing that link. Here's another analysis which reaches the same conclusions: Totally agreed that we need to immediately take much stronger action, similar to what China and Italy have done, to block or ...
Posted By Irfan Alvi 03-12-2020 11:40 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I think there's a lack of understanding, and maybe denial, about the magnitude of this problem, and so far engineers don't appear to be an exception to that. The lack of responses so far in this thread reflects that. Here's a perspective on the dynamics of the situation which engineers should be able ...
Posted By Irfan Alvi 03-11-2020 09:53 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I'll ask the question which is on many people's minds: how are engineering firms dealing with the coronavirus situation? With no vaccine for this novel virus available for at least a year and no large-scale lockdowns in the US yet, I'm expecting that the situation will get substantially worse before ...