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Dr. Jesse Kamm, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE


1 to 5 of 50+ total
Posted By Jesse Kamm 05-19-2024 12:25 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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During my PhD studies and while employed at a State College I was a Co-PI on a NSF grant funded "engineering pathways" program. The grant specifically focused on pathways into engineering from a 2 year degree and including advanced studies from rising HS seniors. That program was very successful. I found ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 09-13-2022 10:39 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Hi Chris, Great thoughts. I've been both a student and a professor of both in-person and online courses. I prefer to teach in person but I also recognize the advantages of online/asynchronous learning. I love in-person teaching because I genuinely want to hang out with the students. The "hall way conversations" ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 07-13-2022 09:20 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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This was a super interesting read (Re: the navy) ! I've sat on both sides of this table as have many here, but I've always found it super weird to force grade a system. Here's my philosophy: The mission matters the most. In some cases I want the best of the best if the mission requires it (such ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 05-23-2022 04:22 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I don't disagree with the philosophy of treading lightly regarding the environment and using our skills as engineers and problem solvers to find better ways to build. I've always found it personally a conflict of my own heart when I develop a new greenfield. I equally care when I get a natural restoration ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 05-19-2022 04:35 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I've watched this thread with interest. I've certainly been open with my discomfort with some of ASCE's initiatives. Some of what it is/has been discussed is more philosophical. For instance, would we want ASCE to take a stance on whether or not there exists a God? Given the diverse nature of ASCE ...