Dr.Pradeep Sivanantham, Ph.D (Civil Engineering), M.ASCE, MISTE
Assistant Professor and President - ASCE India Section Southern Region , Department of Civil Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu. He has obtained BE in Civil Engineering from Annamalai University, M.Tech Structural Engineering from SRM University, and obtained Ph.D in Civil Engineering in SRMIST. He is with SRM for the past 14 years. His research interest includes study on Seismic Analysis and Strengthening of Tall Buildings, Buildings on Hill Slope, Ultra-Light Weight Concrete, Concrete Racing Canoe, Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Ferro-cement Structures, Thermal and Sound Insulation Mortar, Design Thinking. He received five funds from SRMIST and New Gen IEDC for research projects. His notable research projects are Earthquake Analysis of Infilled frames on Hill Slope, Low cost Light weight Prefabricated Toilet, Bullet Proof Wall, Concrete Casting Mould, Concrete Race Canoe. He has published around 28 peer-reviewed journal papers, Filed 8 Patents out of which three are granted by Indian Patent Office, Government of India, Mentor for winning team of India’s first ever Concrete Canoe Racing, Faculty Advisor for ASCE SRM Student Chapter who stands in Top 5% of the world twice (2019 & 2021). He is a professional member of American Society of Civil Engineers, American Concrete Institute, Structural Engineering Institute, Indian Society for Technical Education. Immediate past Treasurer for India Section - American Society of Civil Engineers, Faculty Ambassador for Bentley Institute in SRM. School of Design Thinking and SRMIST Certified Trainer for Design the Thinking. His contribution to the society is planted around 80,000 palm seeds on the 8 lake bunds in and around SRM adopted villages.