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Ms. Marsha Anderson Bomar, F.ITE, Ph.D., AICP, ENV SP, F.ASCE


My passion for Transportation, Community and Sustainability drive most of my activities.

I am an International Past President of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, and am past Chairman of the Technical Council Design Department, Policy Committee, and Transportation Planners Council. I have been Chair of the Goods Movement Council and am the author of the Urban Travel Characteristics chapter of the Transportation Planners Handbook. I was a Director of the New Jersey Motor Truck Association, as well as the American Trucking Associations' Scholar-In-Residence. I have also been a special member of the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission's Urban Goods Movement Advisory Committee. I chaired the Olympic Transportation Task Force Support Group on Goods Movement for the 1996 Games in Atlanta, Georgia.

I have served as the President of the ASCE Transportation and Development Institute and currently am past Vice Chair of the ASCE Committee on Critical Infrastructure and am now Vice Chair of the Infrastructure Resilience Division.

Other significant affiliations include:Transportation Research Board (TRB) where I am co-chair of the Women's Issues in Transportation Committee, WTS - where I am serving my second term on the International Board of Directors and am past Board Treasurer.

In 2013, I was elected to my third term on the Duluth City Council. During my first eight years, I authored many programs and policies, supported the growth of our Planning and Engineering efforts, and served twice as Mayor Pro Tempore.

I am the author of hundreds of publications and studies. I am listed in numerous Who's Who publications, have been a member of the Gwinnett County Board of the United Way, American Red Cross, am an active member of the Chamber of Commerce and a graduate of the Leadership Gwinnett program. I have won numerous awards for technical, civic and business accomplishments and serve numerous non-profit organizations.