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  • 1.  Survey for anyone who works with engineers

    Posted 12-16-2024 11:41 AM

    I don't recall if I shared in this forum. With support from several members of this community, I published a study on ethical followership in the engineering profession. It identified a set of "ethical follower behaviors" that professional engineers use to resist an unethical directive or request. I'll share a link to the academic paper in The International Journal of Ethical Leadership and a summary for practitioners that appeared in PE Magazine

    I'm now researching reactions to ethical followership, and I'd love to ask your help to participate in the new study and encourage others to do the same. Anyone who works with engineers can participate. Participants complete a survey that takes about fifteen minutes. They will have the option at the end of the survey to be interviewed. That step is optional, of course, but it will shed light on why some ethical follower behaviors work well and others may not. You can connect with my LinkedIn post calling for participants or the survey itself. 

    With your help, we can give guidance to professional engineers on how to handle ethical dilemmas. Thanks so much!

    Kyle Payne, PhD
    Chicago, IL

  • 2.  RE: Survey for anyone who works with engineers

    Posted 12-17-2024 10:27 AM
      |   view attached

    Interesting subject Kyle.

    I've already done the survey, and look forward to a chat.

    Meanwhile, attached paper for reference on the subject.



    William M. Hayden Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE
    Buffalo, N.Y.

    "It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot 1819 - 1880

  • 3.  RE: Survey for anyone who works with engineers

    Posted 12-19-2024 10:31 AM

    One week of gathering input from people who work with engineers = over one hundred positions on how engineers should approach resisting an unethical directive or request. Have we heard from you?

    My last study identified twelve ethical follower behaviors that engineers report using when they face an ethical dilemma at work. If you work with engineers, please take 15 minutes to share your reactions to these behaviors using the link below. You'll be empowering engineers to make informed decisions about ethics.


    Kyle Payne Ph.D., Aff.M.ASCE
    Sr Learning & Development Specialist
    Chicago IL

  • 4.  RE: Survey for anyone who works with engineers

    Posted 01-06-2025 10:40 AM


    If you work with engineers, please take ten minutes to complete this survey. It asks for your reactions to a set of twelve "ethical follower behaviors" that engineers report using when they face an unethical directive or request at work. You will be making a valuable contribution to engineering ethics, specifically helping engineers determine when and how to apply these behaviors. Please click the link below to access the survey, which will close on January 17.


    Kyle Payne Ph.D., Aff.M.ASCE
    Sr Learning & Development Specialist
    Chicago IL

  • 5.  RE: Survey for anyone who works with engineers

    Posted 01-15-2025 06:17 PM

    Kyle - When I click on any star, that star and all those to the left light up. Is there a bug in the survey program, or am I misunderstanding how it works? Thank you for researching this important part of engineering.

    -Tom Caldwell, PE



    Thomas Caldwell P.E., M.ASCE
    Sage Engineering
    Raleigh NC

  • 6.  RE: Survey for anyone who works with engineers

    Posted 01-16-2025 11:18 AM

    Thank you for asking! Not a glitch. Just a silly design choice on the researcher's part. Rest assured, whatever response you select, that is the response that is recorded. 

    Kyle Payne Ph.D.
