Personally, I think it is best to keep the exam as inclusive as possible
even if you "do not intend" to work in a different area.
Times may come when work in one specialty is hard to get and an
applicant with wider experience may win out over one with many years of
narrrow experience.
My background was as a research aeronautical engineer and mostly in
automatic control and computer simulation. In 1984, I wanted to get out
of a frustrating government position and become a consultant. I decided
that getting a PE would help my business. I had no steady work at the
time so I signed up for a "crash review course" in mechanical
engineering that lasted for about four months.Then I immediately took
the full eight-hour PE exam. I remember leaving the exam room with my
boots full of sweat. However, I passed the first time.They do not give
scores, but I felt that I did well.
The famous Chinese military Strategist Sun Tzu said about 2000 year ago
"The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war"
This must also apply to getting and maintaining the engineer license.
Original Message------
Hi all,
I had a discussion the other day with a colleague studying for the PE exam. He, like me, has only ever worked (and only ever plans to work) in the building structures world. Many of my bridge-designing friends say the same thing about bridges. It seems like firms and people generally don't do both, at least here in PA. Yet, both types of questions are covered on the PE exam. Particularly for the code-specific questions, this seems to be creating an undue burden (both in cost and time) on engineers who will never use that material. For example, I've never worked in an office that had an AASHTO code, and had to personally purchase one when I took the test; the local library only carried it as a "reference" which meant you could not check it out.
Are buildings and bridges designed by different specialists where you live? Do you think it would be beneficial if buildings and bridges were entirely separated in the exams?
Stephanie Slocum P.E., M.ASCE
Engineers Rising LLC
State College PA