Original Message:
Sent: 02-06-2021 02:20 PM
From: William Hayden
Subject: RI Set to Release Infrastructure Report Card
Thanks, Chad for sharing your beliefs and insights.
Perhaps we are after the same thing and express such thoughts somewhat differently.
I have attached brief docs on the major components of infrastructure[1] to help all of us recall the somewhat overwhelming magnitude and past and potential impact of it.
While on the one hand your comment "It is not the responsibility of ASCE to hold the government accountable" seems OK, it begs the question then what other collection of planet-wide infrastructure experts do have such knowledge-based expertise to do so? Consider the lack of restraint on the part of the AMA to directly engage with the public.[2]
Then we have the horrific Flint, MI., quality of drinking water crisis.
One person was the visible pioneer,[3] Dr. Marc Edwards, P.E.,
"In 2016 this environmental engineer was among Time's 100 most influential people, Fortune's 50 greatest leaders, Politico's top 50 visionaries and Foreign Policy's 100 greatest thinkers."
"His is a higher calling, he said. In fact, it's the first canon of his profession's code of ethics: Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public."
"Six weeks later, the government officials came around. The State of Michigan declared a public health emergency."
"No one else was willing to help," said LeeAnne Walter, an activist leader who helped bring Edwards to town. "He's all about trying to find the truth."
By Francis X. Donnelly The Detroit News Published April 25, 2019
Stay Healthy!
[1] Bridges, tunnels, water, dams, highways, wastewater.
[2] www.ama-assn.org/health-care-advocacy
[3] Pioneers are identified by the arrows in their back.
[4] https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/michigan/flint-water-crisis/2019/04/26/hero-pariah-flint-water-expert-mark-edwards-fights-for-his-reputation/3546987002/
William M. Hayden Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE
Buffalo, N.Y.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot 1819 - 1880
Original Message:
Sent: 02-05-2021 08:52 PM
From: Chad Morrison
Subject: RI Set to Release Infrastructure Report Card
John Oliver has done a great job bringing attention to infrastructure issues to the mainstream! So much that Danbury, CT has named their wastewater treatment plant in honor (or dishonor) of him!
Here is the link for the RI Report Card: https://www.infrastructurereportcard.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/RI-InfrastructureReportCard-2020.pdf
And here is some of the media coverage we received:
Rhode Island's First-Ever Infrastructure Report Delivers Mixed Marks | 2020-07-22 | Engineering News-Record (enr.com)
R.I. gets C- on infrastructure report card - Providence Business News (pbn.com)
It is not the responsibility of ASCE to hold the government accountable. The government answers to the people. The report card is a resource for the media, government, and the people to learn more about infrastructure issues in order to take the necessary action.
The report card grades are not intended to tear down state officials or agencies, but rather draw attention to shortfalls. In some ways a low grade is desirable to the state or agency as it identifies a need for more funding or resources. Each report card chapter includes recommendations to raise the grade.
ASCE is active in engaging government officials through the Key Contact program and Legislative Fly-In. Future World Vision is the exciting initiative to engage the public in a new interactive way. The Dream Big Imax film was also produced to reach a wide audience and is available on Netflix. The RI Section Younger Member Group held a very successful family screening just prior to the pandemic, that we hope to repeat soon.
I too agree that the profession deserves greater exposure for successes, rather than disasters, from the mainstream media. Maybe the lesson at the moment is that stadiums (often the pinnacle of engineering and showpiece of a city) are not only a place for football, but a community center and emergency hub.
Chad Morrison P.E., M.ASCE
Professional Engineer
Greenville RI
Original Message:
Sent: 02-05-2021 03:54 PM
From: William Hayden
Subject: RI Set to Release Infrastructure Report Card
Hi Chad,
Someone just sent me the link below.
It's a set from the John Oliver show on TV.
If viewers can set aside their aversion to occasional language
not usually part of our dialogue, it is a POWERFUL wake-up call.
N.B. John's vocabulary and examples are meant to break through the usual technical and political
carefully worded comments on the subject by people who rely on the same people being criticized
for continued funding.
If ASCE is both serious and personal about its commitment to hold
government PUBLICALLY accountable for funded actions that matter, viewing this 21 minute
presentation is a must across our ASCE Family. . .followed by continuing bolder, public assertions.
- The information below contributed by others.
Infrastructure: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) [1] 21:13
America's crumbling infrastructure: It's not a sexy problem, but it is a scary one.
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wpzvaqypav8
Stay Healthy!
p.s. Politicians are always ready to act and fund when the situation that ignites action caused the death and destruction
of people and facilities. e.g., What triggered ASCE to develop Manual 73?
William M. Hayden Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE
Buffalo, N.Y.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot 1819 - 1880
Original Message:
Sent: 06-18-2020 01:53 PM
From: Chad Morrison
Subject: RI Set to Release Infrastructure Report Card
We are gearing up for the release of the Report Card for Rhode Island's Infrastructure 2020! Our release event is scheduled for Wednesday, June 24th, 10am EDT. It will be streaming on riasce.org, Facebook, and right here on Collaborate! We hope you will be able to join us!
The ASCE Report Card is a resource for the public and officials to use in order to assess the current state of infrastructure and the measures necessary to raise the grade.
While discussion of the content and grades for the RI Report Card is restricted until its release, please feel free to add questions and comments that you have regarding the infrastructure report card process. Also, I am happy to share more general info on the smallest state in the union for those who have yet to visit!
Chad Morrison P.E., M.ASCE
Professional Engineer
Greenville RI