Hi Horacio,
Thanks for the candid sharing of behaviors you have experienced during virtual communication with different types of participants during this CV period.
The participant groups you noted are:
- Professional conferences virtually.
- Family members virtually.
The downsides you note for #1 above are becoming common, suggesting the establishment of a "Virtual Conference Opportunities For Improvement Task Force." Perhaps you might encourage those who share the same downsides to initiate such a "VCOI Task Force" with ASCE as well as NSPE, ACEC, etc.
The issue with #2. above is that it is organized, run and utilized by family and friends.
Supported by the wisdom "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread," unless you have an extremely high tolerance for 'pain:'
- Never, ever suggest changes, for any portion of this virtual chat-time. . .before, during, and after.
- Stifle your well-understood bias that for most all of life's challenges, engineers have the answer!
- Confirm that the virtual exchanges are NOT being recorded.
- For a few new points made by others, ask them "Really? That's an interesting point. Can you tell us a bit more?"
Stay Healthy!
William M. Hayden Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE
Buffalo, N.Y.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot 1819 - 1880
Original Message:
Sent: 08-20-2020 02:41 PM
From: Horacio Ibarra
Subject: Pros and Cons of virtual events
Hi Bill. I appreciate your interest in my comments.
I took advantage of the "Engineers Stereotype" – of us living in our own world that the rest of lay people do not understand – to close the comment with a jovial statement, which I consider relevant nonetheless. During lockdown we regularly have web meetings among family members living in different parts of the world, and we have a couple of engineers in the group. Every time the conversation shifts towards an exchange between us about certain technical topic, the rest of the participants start making fun of us, claiming that the meeting got hijacked, so we have to stop. Of course we are all joking, us engineers doing it on purpose and the rest of the family reacting on purpose too. The same happens in other chat groups with friends. Perhaps I am too passionate at what I do and it often shows.
But for me the ASCE seminar is a very special event that would not be as enjoyable if it was held in a virtual format. And here is why.
In 2014, while I was assigned to Panama as a regional manager for Latin America, I contributed to bringing the 2014 ASCE Conference to Panama. It was a very rare occasion of the conference being held outside the US and it was a sound success. Back then I was the president of the ASCE Panama Section, and we coordinated efforts with my friend Guna Kancheepuram, who acted as Chairman of the conference, with then president Andy Herrmann and with Pat Natale. The motivation was that the Panama Canal, designed and built by american engineers, was celebrating its 100 year anniversary.
So many colleagues from Region 10 (the rest of the world), that could never get a US visa to attend a conference in the US, flocked in from all over the world. I had the chance to give a couple of speeches and made tons of friends and contacts.
Perhaps someone could argue that the pure technical stuff could be well broadcasted and shared with even more people over the internet. But so could a simple technical paper in a journal.
We are field people and being out in the field brings out the best of us. I would like it to continue being that way.
Best regards,
Horacio V. Ibarra, PE.
Engineering Consultant
Geotechnical/Tranportation/Waste Management
Off: (507) 397-5126
Cell: (507) 6400 3887
E-mail: <maskemail>horaibarra@...</maskemail>
Original Message:
Sent: 8/19/2020 4:40:00 PM
From: William Hayden
Subject: RE: Pros and Cons of virtual events
Hi Horacio, thanks for your post.
What caught my eye were your closing reflections.
"but we engineers are often deprived from expressing opinions at home,
so taking a trip to attend a conference is something we normally look forward to,
just for the joy of having an opportunity to talk, discuss and being listened to by our peers."
Wow! What a piercing insight!
When you have a moment, could you share some specifics about the above experiences?
Stay Healthy!
William M. Hayden Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE
Buffalo, N.Y.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot 1819 - 1880
Original Message:
Sent: 08-18-2020 06:35 PM
From: Horacio Ibarra
Subject: Pros and Cons of virtual events
As a former undergraduate and graduate student, then faculty professor in the US and other countries and finally ocasional speaker in engineering conferences, I don´t believe that virtual events can replace the effect of face-to-face interactions and community sharing during actual conferences.
My opinion is not just related to the obvious convenience of technical and political networking during real events, but also to the importance of spontaneity in interacting with the speaker or presenter, and exchanging thoughts and opinions with colleges sharing the event, even during the presentations.
Also when I attend a conference, my mind is set in a way that allows me to concentrate in the event and all that comes with it, during the days it lasts. Instead, the attention to virtual events on the part of the attendee, is frequently shared with other issues that are normally going on at the remote location (home, office, special facility, etc.) from where the attendee is connected.
I acknowledge that virtual events can be accommodated to a more convenient time during the day, and that the costs of transportation, room and board are avoided, but we engineers are often deprived from expressing opinions at home, so taking a trip to attend a conference is something we normally look forward to, just for the joy of having an opportunity to talk, discuss and being listened to by our peers.
Horacio Ibarra P.E., M.ASCE
Civil/Highway Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 07-29-2020 08:15 PM
From: Hala Abdo
Subject: Pros and Cons of virtual events
As long as I am checking my email inbox during the COVID-19 time, I am noticing advertisements on VIRTUAL EVENTS here and there.
Recently, I received the ASCE Virtual Technical Conference 2020 announcement!
Check the link here; https://vtech.asce.org/
Looking at not having many options, what do you think of virtual events?
In my opinion, I prefer face-to-face conferences with all the actual networking.
On the other side, do you think online events should be cheaper?
Share the pros and cons of such events with the civil engineering community on this thread.
Hala Abdo, E.I.T, A.M.ASCE
Road AND Drainage Engineer in Training
FAM Construction - Fairfax, VA