Your raise an excellent question, Rebecca. If the captured energy is a small fraction of that available, side effects should be small. When we examined hydrokinetic energy captured by placing turbines in rivers, we found that large arrays of turbines could potentially affect water quality, sedimentation, habitats, biota and navigability of waterways*. Every situation should be examined for the tradeoffs.
*VanZwieten, J., McAnally, W., Ahmad, J., Davis, T., Martin, J., Bevelhimer, M., Cribbs, A., Lippert, R., Hudon, T. and Trudeau, M., 2015. In-stream hydrokinetic power: Review and appraisal. Journal of Energy Engineering, 141(3), p.04014024.
William McAnally Ph.D., P.E., D.CE, D.NE, F.ASCE
Columbus MS
Original Message:
Sent: 05-08-2023 06:19 AM
From: Rebecca Bowman
Subject: May 2023 - Free ASCE Papers
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | Modeling Sediment Resuspension and Transport Processes Induced by Propeller Wash from Ship Traffic |
This paper goes somewhere I would like to see taken further. We engineers, above all others, need to be more thoughtful about consequences than we tend to be. When we extract "free" energy from somewhere, we need to be better about asking the question, "What is NOT going to happen or NOT going to get done as a consequence of the absence of the "free" energy we're extracting." This paper starts in that direction a little bit by considering what happens when. . . . That needs to be a careful consideration as we look at tidal, wave, and deep sea energy capture. All that energy has been doing something for millennia. What?
Rebecca Bowman P.E., M.ASCE
Sole proprietor
Rebecca A. Bowman, Esq., P.E.
Mc Murray PA
Original Message:
Sent: 05-01-2023 04:00 PM
From: Tirza Austin
Subject: May 2023 - Free ASCE Papers
ASCE provides a healthy number of free research papers each month. The following is a list of free publications content for the month of May 2023. These papers are also featured on the following page while they are open:
(Note: When you click on the link you will be leaving and directed to where you must re-enter your ASCE login credentials to access the free content. The login button is in the upper-right corner).
I'll be sharing these papers each month to encourage discussion on some of these topics. I'll also be tagging these posts as "ASCE Papers" for you to easily access in the future. Please feel free to comment on other areas where you might like to see additional research as well!
Tirza Austin
Senior Manager, Online Community
American Society of Civil Engineers
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191