If you are involved with Landfills, what are your plans for Pursuant to 40 CFR 60.27a(c)? It requires greenhouse gas emissions to be lowered from 50 mg/yr to 34 mg/yr.
These are the three options that I know of at the time.
- Inject gas into our natural gas system
- How it will react with a second gas source.
- The pipelines that will need to be installed.
- The permits that will need to be obtained.
- Load trucks for distributions to other locations
- Send to Electric Grid through power generation from the flame
- No underground pipelines would have to be constructed.
- A 3 phase line currently exist at the flame for a direct tie into the grid.
- No permits would be required.
- Generators initial costs
- Monthly maintenance cost
- Maintenance technicians.
- Reconductoring the lines that feed the landfill
- Adding protection and switching equipment to our system.
Todd Powell P.E., M.ASCE
City Engineer
City of Thomasville
Thomasville GA