Civil Structural Engineering Professional
Specializes in Structural Engineering,Design and Analysis Dynamic of RCC structures.
A confident and creative engineer
who is self-motivated, self-sufficient and comes to you with a good background in both
design and Construction aspects.
Youthful and dedicated graduate
aiming to be professional in Civil
Engineering Field, Construction;
seeking for opportunity to gain
experience in these domains
Professional documents valid upon request.
General Experience Overview:
Chief Contracting (February2019-Oct2019) "Due insufficient Onhold Projects"
Altorath International Engineering Consultants (AIEC) (October2017-February2019).
Completed Construction/Consulting Projects:
MAR2019 – Till Date: Site Engineer.
Project Name: The Construction & Completion of the Prefab Offices+Reception+Two Security Rooms+Substation+Precast Boundary walls Located in Umm Al NAR (SAS AL NAKHL ISLAND).
- Contractor: Chief Contracting.
- Client: Ministry of Presidential Affairs.
- Contract Type:Design-Build Contract.
Nov 2018 – Jan 2019: Junior CIVIL Design Engineer (TRAINEE ENGINEER),
During the Work with Altorath International.
Project: The Analysis & Design of a regular shaped building located in Abudhabi (MBZ CITY)
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Checking: Checking the Architectural drawings for the villa
- Drew the Statical system(Beams, Columns & Slab polyline) using the AutoCAD commands Considering the layers for each structural component
- Identifying the places that needs column
- Checking & Comparing the structural statical plan with the Architectural Plan
- Exporting the Statical plans (GF+1ST FLOOR+ROOF FLOOR) to ETABS
- Defining the Material property, Steel yield strength & Specified compressive strength drew the Structural components using the Model explorer
- Defining the load patterns (DL+SDL+LL), Load combinations, Modal case, Response spectrum functions & Auto construction sequence etc..+ Diaphragms(Rigid)
- Assigning the loads on the slab (Uniform load) or Line load on the dummy beam element on the perimeter of the plan structure.
- Final Advanced Analysis Response spectrum Advanced Analysis is done: Story shear Balancing the EQX&EQY WITH SPECX & SPECY, Torsional irregulatory should not be more than 1.2 otherwise a new eccentricity is assigned in order to match the diaphragms with the mass center, Story drifts & Modal mass participation ratio (Should not be less than 90% for UX,UY & UZ).
- Check the Model
- Run the Analysis
- Run the Design
- Design all the structural components manually (Beams,column,Flat slab) & Using the RCM PROGRAM especially The flat slab is designed using the finite element method (A Typical mesh of ###mm is used & inserted into the program as the program will calculate if Extra steel reinforcement is required for the described steel mesh reinforcement
- Final product: Finally After the design calculation is checked, Calculated & done either by manual calculation or by the program RCM builder. The final product is produced using AUTOCAD as the beam cross section, elevation view & tables are drawn, Columns elevation, cross section & Tables were drew & Flat slab mesh was specified in the statical plan considering the TOP Extra reinforcement & Bottom extra reinforcement in addition to that The staggering, Overlap is considered for the Main Mesh.
- Preparing the Final MANUAL CALCULATION ,Load description & specifications for the Above design villa
- All Documents, drawings & Models are valid upon request
- Structural Indication: All Required calculation for wind (Gust factor, Windward & Leeward), seismic load are done before starting the final Advanced Analysis.
Oct 2018 – Feb 2019: Junior Civil Engineer
Project Name: The Construction of 250 Precast villas in AlSamha (East-West)
(G.F, 1st typical floor & Roof).
- Client: Musanada
- Contractor: Trojan Holding
- Consultant: Altorath international Engineering Consultants.
- Contract Type:Cost Plus/Lump Sum.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Supervised the Construction work procedure.
- Conducted inspections to ensure that the contractor is following the blue prints, standards & specifications.
- Ensure that all the required tests (Cube test, Slump test etc…) are done & all the results are submitted for approval.
- Following up with the Client updated meetings
- Ensuring that the work is done based on the ADM structural & Architectural drawings.
Sept 2018 – Oct 2019: Junior Civil Engineer
Project Name: Dr.Obaid Alketbi Commercial Building
(3 Basements, G.F, 8TH typical floor, Lower Roof & Roof).
- Contractor: Solid general contracting
- Consultant: Altorath international Engineering Consultants
- Contract Type:Cost Plus/Lump Sum.
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Supervised the Construction work procedure.
- Conducted inspections to ensure that the contractor is following the blue prints, standards & specifications.
Ensure that all the required tests (Cube test, Slump test etc…) are done & all the results are submitted for approval.
Mar 2018 – August 2018: Junior Civil Engineer “Marina square” (18 Buildings, Zone A, B, C & D)
Project Name: 18 Buildings in Marina Square “Civil Asset Register”
Consultant: Altorath international Engineering Consultants
Working as a quantity surveyor for the mentioned project above for 4 months & preparing the Snag list for the 18 Marina Squire buildings which are located in Al-Reem island,Abudhabi “Civil Asset Register” submission required by Three60 Community company (MAR 2018-August 2018).
The Marina square Buildings Excel sheets are done based on the existing Civil Asset material in
the current building or zone, it was required from us to inspect, observe & prepare the Civil
Asset material register reports.
The Inspection of the Marina square buildings was mainly divided into Civil Material Asset
inspection & Material Asset condition inspection, The Report Excel sheets was prepared based
on the observation obtained from the Marina square Public Area Zones (A, B, C& D) in addition
to that the material asset condition was specified in the report for Rectification works in the
future as required by three60 communities company.
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Civil Asset Material primary inspection is done (Floor,Wall,Ceiling & Skirting)
- Civil Asset Material condition inspection is done (Snagging “Snag list”& Defects)
- Observing all the Material Defects for the required rectification method
- Following the Client’s procedure, Method & format in completing the required work
- Submitting the required work in time as per the requirements.
- Handing over the civil Asset register document to the Quality control for the final revision.
- Applying the knowledge of Civil Engineering in completing the work
- Following up with the Client requirements updates to complete the work.
Oct 2017 – Sept 2018: Jr.Civil Engineer
Project Name: The Demolition & Construction of a reinforced concrete Commercial Building
(3 Basements, G.F, M, 18TH Typical floor, Lower Roof & Roof).
- Contractor: Raslan general contracting
- Consultant: Altorath international Engineering Consultants
- Contract Value: 69.999,999 DHS
- Contract Type:Cost Plus/Lump Sum.
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Supervised the Construction work procedure.
- Conducted inspections to ensure that the contractor is following the blue prints, standards & specifications.
- Ensure that all the required tests (Cube test, Slump test etc…) are done & all the results are submitted for approval.
- Ensuring that the contractor is following all the Material Manufacturer procedures.
- Ensuring that the Contractor is submitting all inspections on time without any delay.
- Ensuring that all the material that is submitted by the contractor is in the vender list
- Ensuring all the material submittals are submitted as required for the consultant & Client approval.
- Preparing the Monthly contractor payment based on the completed work percentage (Cumulative)
- Inspected the relevant hazards and ensured compliance with national civil standards.
- Confirming that all the work is done based on the Standards, Specifications & Based on the Structural & Architectural plans.
- Following up with the Project Manager in rectifying all the defects by sending NCR/Site instruction Reports.
Oct 2017 – Feb 2018: Jr.Civil Engineer
Project Name: The Construction & the completion of a reinforced concrete Residential Buildings “Staff Accommodation”
(G.F+5 stories typical floors + Lower roof + A roof.).
- Contractor: RASLAN Contracting
- Consultant: Altorath International
- Contract Value: 99,000,000 DHS
- Contract Type:Cost Plus/Lump Sum.
The Project Name is Staff Accommodation site for Emirates National School. The Project Mainly consists of Two Building B Type, Building A & C,a Supermarket , a Substation & A Water Tank.
The Residential Building B is a 5 story residential Building with a Lower Roof and a Roof located in Abu Dhabi/Mohammad BIN ZAYED CITY SECTOR Z-3 PLOT NO.P-3 It is situated Mohammad Bin Zayed residences zone (Behind Mazyad Mall) Allocated by the Client Ministry of presidential affairs. The Project contains Two typical Building B’s (B1 & B2).The Building Plot Area is (47.20×25.5=1203.6).
The Residential Building C & A are a 5 story residential Building with a Lower Roof and a Roof located in Abu Dhabi/Mohammad BIN ZAYED CITY SECTOR Z-3 PLOT NO.P-3. They are situated Mohammad Bin Zayed residences zone (Behind Mazyad Mall) Allocated by the Client Ministry of presidential affairs. The Project contains One typical Building C & A. The Building Plot Area is (58.40×25.30=1477.36 ).
In addition to that the Project contains a Supermarket, a Water Tank & a Substation.
Structural Indication:-
A Pergola (Shading) is provided at the top Roof to provide shading for the A/C chillers & for Architectural Purposes As it is shown in the Conceptual drawings below.
Tasks done:
- Site supervision quantity surveys, reporting to end client and follow up.
January 2017 – March 2017: Intern
Project Name: The Construction & the completion of a reinforced concrete Residential Building
“Mangrove residence” (2 Basements, G.F, 8TH Typical floor, Lower Roof & Roof).
- Consultant: Klumpp International
- Contract Value: 52,160,000 DHS.
- Contract Type:Cost Plus/Lump Sum.
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Supervised the Construction work procedure (Casting of slab, walls and columns).
- Conducted inspections for different structural components (Form work, Column plumb test and etc…).
- Received training on software modeling (ETABS, SAFE & SAP).
- Inspected the relevant hazards and ensured compliance with national civil standards.
- Supervised and implemented health and safety regulations on project sites.
- Conducted inspections ensuring the blue prints are being followed.
- Conducted lab visits to determine the adequacy and strength of the concrete.
- Conducted several Field tests (Slump test, Compressive strength Test & Pull out test etc).
- Analyzed the project schedules and determined the critical paths.
- Inspected project site to monitor progress and ensure conformance to the blue prints.
Researching the Below Topic
”Soil Properties Effect on Mat Foundation Deflection”
Main Mentor:Dr.Omer Mugeida.
Judge Mentor:Dr. Zubair Syed, Teesside University, Newcastle, Victoria Street, UK
Preparing for the 5th Undergraduate research competition as the research compromises the relationship between Mat foundation thickness & Ks value in different Areas of the UAE & Had An Excellent Experience in Discussing Such Topic.