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Padir Consulting Engineers
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Dr. Amin Ghafooripour, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE

Padir Consulting Engineers


Amin Ghafooripour, PhD., PE, M.ASCE, SEI, SEONC, AWC, ASEE, UIA - Dr. Amin Ghafooripour is a faculty at Santa Clara University and the president of Padir Consulting Engineers. He is an international educator with 25 years of experience in the United States, United Kingdom, UAE, and Iran. He has educated students from the early childhood years through university graduate levels. He is well-versed in teaching; engaging lecturer and instructor with the experience of teaching diverse students of various ethnicities, nationalities, ability levels, and learning styles; having instructed students from over 35 different nationalities. He is the Director of Outreach at ASCE SEI San Francisco Chapter and a member of the SEAONC Continuing Education committee. He is experienced in guiding the research projects, mentoring, and instructing undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, teaching courses in a wide range of structural/civil engineering topics. His academic and professional design background has given him valuable insight into the irregular structural problems of the building and industrial projects. Dr. Ghafooripour has received several awards and certifications for his professional design work and academic research and management from the US, UK, Netherland, Denmark, Norway, and Iran, including the Excellent Academic Management and Researcher of the Year awards. He has patented four inventions and published over 90 papers.