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Eric Gilliland

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Mr. Eric Gilliland, P.E., M.ASCE

Eric Gilliland


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Posted By Eric Gilliland 03-20-2021 10:29 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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I'm looking for some resources on designing a roof diaphragm using SIPs. Does anyone have experience or resources for this? The design I'm working with has SIPs directly on top of rafters that are 4ft OC. Since there's 7.25" of insulation between the rafters and the top layer of sheathing, I can't use ...
Posted By Eric Gilliland 04-22-2020 09:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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Thanks Mark! This is what I did. The homeowner was receptive. ------------------------------ Eric Gilliland Aff.M.ASCE Gilliland Engineering Denver CO ------------------------------
Posted By Eric Gilliland 04-22-2020 09:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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Thank you for the information Richard! I will be redesigning the system and will take your recommendations into consideration. ------------------------------ Eric Gilliland Aff.M.ASCE Gilliland Engineering Denver CO ------------------------------
Posted By Eric Gilliland 04-21-2020 10:18 PM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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Hello ASCE Community, I designed an egress stairwell for a residential client with 8' tall retaining walls on both sides of the stairwell. I have an image of the foundation plans below. The contractor only excavated the wall footings to the depth of the steps. I'm concerned about frost heave because ...