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Management Quality By Design, Inc.
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Mr. William Hayden, Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE

Management Quality By Design, Inc.


1 to 5 of 26 total
Posted By William Hayden 02-29-2024 04:03 PM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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Thanks to each and all for these narratives that includes codes. My interest herein address "Fire Evacuation Safety." The most frequent response to the question "What is your plan for fire evacuation?:" "We Meet Code." Necessary but not sufficient. The attached slide deck was what I learned ...
Posted By William Hayden 08-03-2022 11:46 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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Hi Randall. Re: "It is important for all structural engineers to understand them. They are the driving force for our work in the consulting field." While there is no question that the technical excellence of structural engineers is a critical part of the equation, it is necessary but not sufficient ...
Posted By William Hayden 07-17-2022 10:46 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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Hi Andre. . . and of course Steph! In another post which I now do not see, Andre identified "Management Risk vs Elegant Thinking!" as a topic to discuss. In Steph's list above, I will reflect on one point: "how to read/understand a geotechnical report?" What both points suggest is that structural ...
Posted By William Hayden 08-09-2017 09:28 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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What might women engineers learn from other women engineers who have successfully 'engineered' their path? Consider looking into the life and works of Jamey Barbas, P.E. Jamey Barbas PE Senior Vice President of Global Practice for Major Structures, Berger Group Holdings, Inc. ...