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Mr. Rob Smith, C.Eng, P.E., S.E., M.ASCE


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Posted By Rob Smith 05-08-2019 01:28 PM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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The conference paper I wrote in 2011 "Deflection Limits in Tall Buildings-Are They Useful?" discusses this. Because ASCE 7 is primarily focussed on life safety and not serviceability, this has never been codified. It really is a question of risk and performance for the building owner. If you are ...
Posted By Rob Smith 08-07-2017 09:28 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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​Just to add to Robert's comments, ASCE 41-13 is written for assessment of the seismic resistant of existing buildings. It can be applied to buildings that were not originally designed for seismic resistance. The standard has been written with US building types and construction practice in mind, but ...