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Mr. Fernando Martinez, EI, P.E., A.M.ASCE


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Posted By Fernando Martinez 05-03-2017 05:09 PM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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Hello, I have a project with micro piles (i.e. 7.5" diameter hollow steel tube filled with concrete and with one reinforcing bar in the middle). I want to calculate how long the steel tube needs to be so that it can transfer the entire compressive load applied on top of the steel tube to the concrete ...
Posted By Fernando Martinez 02-22-2017 11:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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Hi Everyone, I have a retrofit project of a 100-year old concrete building which is severely affected by corrosion. Samples of the concrete showed carbonation has occurred and a water-soluble chloride ion (Cl-) content higher than 1% by weight of cement. Could you please comment on the efficacy of ...