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Arabian center Design & Engineering Consultant
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Eng. Kashif Salman

Arabian center Design & Engineering Consultant


1 to 5 of 15 total
Posted By Kashif Salman 10-13-2020 08:12 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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Thank you Professor Andrés Guzmán for your kind sharing. Indeed this will be a great initiative for a young engineer like me and we will have much more to learn. ------------------------------ Kashif Salman Research Assistant, Structural System Laboratory South Korea Kunsan National University ...
Posted By Kashif Salman 06-02-2020 08:50 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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How can we consider the fastener-floor interaction effect in the seismic analysis of the nonstructural components? ------------------------------ Kashif Salman Research Assistant, Structural System Laboratory South Korea Kunsan National University South Korea 8210 32493087 ------------------ ...
Posted By Kashif Salman 11-07-2019 07:38 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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I am interested to know how the Floor response is capable to represent the response of the non-structural components. My question is the following: Non-structural components are mostly short period and for this reason, they are also categorized as acceleration controlled, on the other hand, a building ...
Posted By Kashif Salman 04-24-2019 07:38 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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Thank you so much for your valuable suggestion. Could you please explain the process a little, I think over and tried to grab the idea but unfortunately, I was unable to understand. Thanks for your kind support. ------------------------------ Kashif Salman Research Assistant, Structural System ...