Hello Andres,
I am currently a student, graduating May 2020, but I worked as a concrete laborer for 18 years. I have never seen such a subpar concrete job. The improper installation of the reinforcement is obviously not the only issue. The photos indicate that the concrete contractor was not experienced and there was nobody around to correct that. I expect that most specifications were not followed and there was no quality control. Knowing that, you know that care was not taken to clean the deck or any area before concrete was placed which puts debris into the concrete and weakens bonding. It appears that they had some type of plastic on top of whatever they used to form. I have never seen anything like that and am curious as to why anybody would ever think that was a good idea. The only reason I could think is that the decking and forming work was inadequate and they put plastic over it so the concrete would not leak out.
I agree with you that demolition is the solution. One must expect that this structure is inadequate. Even if this structure was properly designed, it is apparent that it was improperly constructed. I would have no faith that the contractor installed the required amount of steel. I expect that they said they did, but tried to cut costs not thinking of the harm they could cause. The obvious incompetence also indicates that they did not know how to handle the concrete. I would bet that any coring sample would show that the concrete is not the expected strength. It appears the contractor was inexperienced, so pours were likely delayed resulting in concrete trucks waiting and people adding excessive amounts of water to each truck to maintain workability. It is unlikely that they would spend any money for superplasticizer if they are producing this work.
This structure is dangerous. I hope your student is able to convince others of this fact. Thank you for the post and showing me something that I could never have imagined or believed if I did not see the pictures. <u5:p></u5:p>
Good luck!<u5:p></u5:p>
Michelle Calcagno S.M.ASCE
Chicago IL
Original Message:
Sent: 11-20-2019 15:03
From: Andres Guzman
Subject: Visible slab reinforcement - suggestions?
Greetings to everyone,
I just got a question from one of my students asking for good options to solve a situation he had in building construction. As you can see in the pictures attached, there are rudimentary spacers, and they did not work as they should; the result, the mesh is at the bottom of all the slabs.
Some solutions include shooting grout to add a concrete cover, slab perforations to pour a fluid concrete top-down with a previous wood form assembly. Nevertheless, the best solution for me is to demolish and to build the slab using proper reinforcing spacers and to check any deflections or abnormalities during construction.
Please let me know your thoughts or if you know any similar cases and how do you solve it.
Andres Guzman
Andres Guzman Ing., M.ASCE
Associate Professor