Hi Praveen,
You need to give a little more info to define the issue:
- Is this a precast concrete slab?
- What are the support conditions?
- What is "axial load" on a slab? Normally "axial load" is for a linear element such as a column. Do you mean a vertical concentrated load at the center of the slab?
- Where is the reinforcement located in this thin slab? What concrete cover? Note the code requirements for concrete cover: it has to do with the exposure. For such a thin slab, welded-wire-fabric might be more suitable.
- Finally, you need to draw a sketch to a reasonable scale, to describe the above: plan to show the location of support points and the location of the concentrated load. Cross section to show the location of reinforcement.
After that we can discuss the method of design that you might use.
Neil Kazen, M.Eng., M.Sc., P.Eng.
Retired Structural Engineering Manager, Transportation Division, SNC-Lavalin
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Original Message:
Sent: 11-26-2018 07:52
From: Praveen Anand
Subject: Ultimate load
When a slab of 600*600 mm and 100 mm thickness is subjected to an axial loading at the center, what will be the approximate axial load it can bear? It is a RCC slab with reinforcements inside it. Grade of concrete is M25.
Praveen Anand S.M.ASCE
Chennai TN