Gym retrofits on second floors can be tricky. One thing that should also be considered is vibration. I've had occasion to review an existing retail space with bar joists and form deck/concrete for the purpose of adding group exercise class/aerobic rooms. Vibration considerations - particularly with an adjacent other tenant space not owned by the gym - would have required some sort of structural retrofit (like adding joists).
I had one project (new construction) years ago with a work-out room adjacent to apartments on every floor (it was a desirable amenity). If I recall correctly we recessed the floor structure several inches in order to put in a special vibration and impact-absorbing floor mat. I don't recall the name of that system at the moment, but a similar type system might be useful in a retrofit situation. If you have an architect on your project, the floor finish/need for impact resistance would definitely be something to discuss with them.
Stephanie Slocum P.E., M.ASCE
Engineers Rising LLC
State College, PA
Original Message:
Sent: 09-04-2018 16:27
From: Daniel Canda
Subject: Tennant Finish for Gyms
There seems to be a large rise in popularity with Crossfit and Crossfit type gyms. These types of gyms seem to pop up anywhere and everywhere. The type of workouts these gyms typically have seem to have much larger and more frequent high-impact floor loading (i.e. dropping barbells from chest or overhead 30+ times in a workout). This high-frequency/high-impact loading could be a larger issue over a wood joist/plywood raised floor (i.e. not a slab-on-deck), such as when a gym owner wants a gym in the second story of a retail building.
Are the IBC/ASCE7 load requirements for gym floors sufficient for design in these conditions or should they be modified to adjust for what appears to be a more high-frequency/high-impact loading? Are there other considerations (floor finish, etc) that should be taken into consideration to minimize the effects of this loading? Any articles or examples of retrofitting raised non slab-on-deck floors for this type of occupancy would be very appreciated!
Daniel Canda P.E., M.ASCE
J2.26 Engineering
Arvada CO