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  • 1.  RE: Female Engineers

    Posted 05-22-2017 09:50 AM
    I have read the comments with interest.  Could it be that job in itself requires an unbalanced lifestyle?  That as you get more senior you find the job becomes more unbalanced?
    I  have worked most of my career in engineering and continue to do so because I love the work, however it has not been a balanced life style.  We in our firm have attempted to make the work environment better and improve the balance .  I have used this rule for myself  "In the good old days we had to do this......,  I did not like it when I had to do it, so do not make others do it"  However, there are many things  that are controlled by others that we can not change, like deadlines, regulations,  promotion and fees that I  have very little control over. 
    I have often asked others if there is a way of improving things for everyone,  the answer I often received is " You chose your profession, you live with it, this is the way it is"    By the way I have had my own business since 2003 and the maximum percentage males in the firm has been 50%.  Just food for thought.

    David Thompson P.E., M.ASCE
    KTA Structural Engineers Ltd.
    Calgary AB

  • 2.  RE: Female Engineers

    Posted 05-25-2017 12:18 PM
    I am a female engineer with 14 years experience in the engineering field, married and with 3 kids... balance between work and life is a relative term as I love my profession as much as I love my kids. I have been fortunate to have great managers who understand the family concept, but I also find my commitment in my career makes a huge difference in how I see "balance".  I have the opportunity to work flex hours, which means I can work from home when the need calls for it, and of course that doesn't mean I get behind on my work at all. I expect a lot from my co-workers and I always do my best. So if I have to work long hours, I take care of my family and when everyone is down for the night, I go back to work. 
    Of course traveling is specially difficult, because you cannot recover that time you are away from your kids, but at the same time is often rewarding in my professional world... I always try to see the best of both worlds!

    Rocio Rodriguez P.E., M.ASCE
    Structural Engineer
    Orlando FL