Mr. Gregersen,
As you're apparently well aware, the corrugated metal wall and roof panels do have some diaphragm shear capacity, though I'm not aware of any current ICC-ES reports to quantify the strengths nor what testing protocol is used to determine available diaphragm shear strengths. As you mentioned in the OP, the wood substrate does add an interesting wrinkle. You might consider checking with a reputable panel roller such as MBCI, Metal Sales Manufacturing, or Fabral.
I almost never deal with wood construction, however I believe the fastener manufacturers, e.g. Simpson Strong-Tie, ITW Buildex, do have testing to support fastener capacities for attaching light gauge metal panels to wood framing. I don't know if there is an ICC-ES AC document and associated ES Report or if the testing is to and ASTM standard. I also know that some companies, for example Simpson Strong-Tie and Verco, are starting to use the IAPMO Evaluation Service for some of their code evaluations.
Unfortunately for us ICC-ES AC156 is not available as a free download from ICC-ES anymore. I do know that the criteria are only applicable to the qualification of non-structural components. If you're looking to review/use the criteria for the metal shear wall panels, I think you'll need to use a different acceptance criteria document or test standard. I'm not sure what that would be off the top of my head, sorry.
Eric Christensen P.E., S.E., M.ASCE
Design Engineer III
Merrick & Company
Original Message:
Sent: 06-10-2017 10:20
From: Max Gregersen
Subject: Preformed metal panels as primary sheathing for shearwalls and roof diaphragms in light framed wood residential for SDC=D Seismic
Does anyone know of ICC ES reports or other seismic testing and qualification resources applicable to Metal-Clad Wood-Frame Shearwall or Roof Diaphragm assembles for use in Seismic Design Category D light frame residential construction? Additionally, prequalification testing and reports for preformed metal panel connection fasteners (screws) to light wood framed substructures for SDC=D primary lateral load resisting elements. All of the ICC codes and referenced standards applicable to light gage metal panel shear elements and connections appear to be limited to cold formed metal framing or structural steel substrates. ICC ES AC156 shake table testing reports would be another requested reference resource if there may be any available.
Max A. Gregersen P.E., S.E., M.ASCE
Principal Structural Seismic Engineer
Gregersen Structural Engineering Inc
Ivins UT