I am always trying to start with my knowledge and after that , any body can correct me ,
1) I think always that outrigger can not cause soft story or weak story because it lead to uniformly distributed stiffness and strength for few floors ,
and we are adding outrigger to reduce lateral deflection not to impose irregularity inside the structure ,
2) When we check weak story , I think we should consider both ( shear and flexural strength ) , practically most of engineers are looking
for shear strength of lateral resisting members but I am asking always , how its possible to take full shear strength of the member while it may fail in flexure
and shear force at that stage is much less than full shear capacity !!
Anas Dawas Aff.M.ASCE
Original Message:
Sent: 10-04-2022 10:56 AM
From: Anas Dawas
Subject: Outrigger System in High Rise Building
Hi Engineers & Professionals
I would like to ask about the effect of outrigger systems in 300 m high rise building shown in the picture !!
I) What is the type of irregularity that can outrigger imposed in structure ? ( weak story , soft story , both of them , others )
2) When we check weak story irregularity , we are interested in shear strength or flexural strength ? How we can assume full shear strength for flexural controlled members
that may fail before reaching full shear strength ?
3) How we can check weak story effect simply in practice design ?
These questions are just same like brain storming to understand better !
Regards ,
Anas Dawas Aff.M.ASCE