The subject of Repairs, Restoration, Retrofitting & Forensic Engineering is a very interesting Subject, and I have been involved with such Projects on a broad scale, as also having investigated a Number of so called " Sudden Collapses" of Buildings, where the Occupants could get as much warning, to escape, and few getting trapped and killed loosing their precious lives.
A true Forensic Engineering, in my view, is to find the " Culprit Situation", and NOT the Culprit, that being task for the Law makers & the Police.
In such situations, the true Forensic Engineering, is to find the True Cause, to a level of finding damning proof of Culprit situation, triggering the Collapse, and which has to be much beyond evaluation of Structural Designs & Drawings, of a Building, which provided Service Life for many many years, penultimate to the instant Collapse.
I, am Past President and CONVENOR for an upcoming International Conference on " Repairs, Retrofitting & Forensic Engineering of Built Structures.
Anyone interested to participate and/or send a Paper on Case Studies of their involvement, is most welcome.
Please send a direct message for more information.
Consulting Structural ENGINEER
Original Message:
Sent: 08-08-2017 13:48
From: Bruce Clarke
Subject: Existing Buildings Evaluation
I am a Civil/Structural engineer in Rockford, Michigan. I have been involved in a wide variety of projects involving evaluation of structural issues with existing buildings and design of repairs and reinforcements. I work for Williams & Beck, Inc. We provide forensic engineering services to insurance companies, attorneys and property owners, but unlike many forensic engineering firms we also design repairs to damaged buildings. Consequently, we have had the opportunity to evaluate and design repairs for some pretty unique situations such as a collapsed 12' tall retaining wall supporting the deck around an in-ground swimming pool with a second failing 8' tall retaining on the immediate up-hill side of the pool and 3' from the foundation of the house. The house foundation was starting to move as well. Our design saved the house and the pool and replaced the two retaining walls.
Bruce Clarke P.E., M.ASCE
Vice President
Williams & Beck Inc
Rockford MI
Original Message:
Sent: 05-26-2017 11:54
From: Jane Krisanova
Subject: Existing Buildings Evaluation
Hello everybody,
I am new to this site but I already like it.
The largest part of the our company work is related to existing building rehabilitation. I spent most of my working time dealing with existing buildings issues.
I will be glad to create any connections with the people with the same interests. There are so much to share.
Thank you
Jane Krisanova, P.Eng.
Senior Structural Engineer
Ojdrovic Engineering Inc.
4195 Dundas St. West, Suite 233, Toronto, ON M8X 1Y4
T: 416-925-0333x224, F 416-925-3980, M 416-856-6584