When designing for a welder there are a few things to remember:
-weld sizes grow exponentially, 1/16" more is much more weld than it appears
-5/16" is the biggest single pass weld, but it takes more effort to make it a perfect weld, 1/4" is more practical and faster
-avoid CJP welds, they are costly in time, prep, and inspection
-avoid welding galvanized material, the fumes are toxic
-pay attention to the welding position that is required to make the weld
-make difficult welds in the shop in a controlled environment if possible
-your point is well taken... when designing a field or shop weld, ask yourself... would you be willing to make that weld or expect your coworker to do so? Put yourself in the welder's shoes. Consider their safety. Provide erection aides if needed. Don't expect the field to "figure it out." Safety is a mindset and your design should reflect that. Use real design loads and size the weld accordingly. Specifying a CJP weld is easy for the engineer. Not so much for the ironworker who would like to go home to his family at the end of a hard day's work.
Chad Morrison P.E., M.ASCE
Greenville RI
Original Message:
Sent: 04-01-2019 21:46
From: Sayed Maqsood
Subject: Design for Welders?
When it comes to being a good Welder, the size of the weld, strength, faying surface and number of passes isn't everything. For the welders, the weld area and the welding time is most important than any of the above. A welder must be able to stand over the metal deck at 1:00 a.m. at 5th, 6th or even the 66th floor, welding a 20,000 lb concrete panel using complete joint penetration.
What considerations can be made during the design process to make the project easier for those in the trades to complete?
Sayed Maqsood
Oakland CA