Hello ASCE Community,
Toole Design and VHB are leading an NCHRP project that is seeking to understand the applications of design guidance on the safety, comfort, and accessibility of active transportation users (e.g., people walking, biking, rolling, and using micromobility devices). The research is for NCHRP 08-163: Defining Appropriate Design and Accommodation Thresholds for Active Transportation in a Context-Driven Approach.
As part of this project, we are surveying practitioners on the ways that design guidance or design flexibility have been applied to projects or served as barriers in active transportation projects. We are also interested in identifying possible case study project locations.
The practitioner survey is estimated to take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The survey is linked here: https://bit.ly/nchrp08163
If you have any questions, please contact me, the Principal Investigator, at jchrzan@...
Thank you,
Jeremy Chrzan P.E., PTOE, M.ASCE
Multimodal Design Practice Lead
Toole Design Group
Silver Spring, MD