I agree 100%
As-Builts should be an absolute for every project along with not only showing the new constriction but a strict reference to all the specifications, drawings, equipment layouts, equipment drawings, etc.,from any precious construction.
I know of a number of instances where undocumented or poorly referenced underground power lies where contacted by excavation equipment with very bad results.
Also over my 50 years or more of working on existing structures/facilities endless hours have been spent in searching thru plant documents trying to puzzle out what was/is/what might be hidden or why things look the way they are now and for what unapparent reason.
Allen Hulshizer P.E., F.ASCE, FACI
ASCE Life Member
Consulting Structural Engineer
Chalfont PA
Original Message:
Sent: 05-12-2018 08:12
From: Hans Coucheron-Aamot
Subject: Foundations
There is always a way.
You can help future engineers in the area by making sure that whatever you build gets accurately shown on the Record Drawings.
Hans H. Coucheron-Aamot
Albuquerque NM
(505) 897-2554
Original Message:
Sent: 05-10-2018 10:03
From: Kashif Afridi
Subject: Foundations
I have a question which keeps lingering in my mind for the past few weeks. I am an undergraduate civil engineering student in Istanbul. My question is that if we have crowded cities for example New York or London where we also have a lot of underground rail networks. How do we build foundations in such areas, especially deep foundations. I recently heard about this topic in a video but I couldn't find the answer. If any senior engineer or anyone who is expert in foundations can help with this, it would be really great. Thank you!
Kashif Afridi S.M.ASCE