Dear Oanh,
Thank you for your interest in my research. Definitely, we can discuss more about it.
Please leave me an email (
Lei.Zhu@...) to initiate a meeting if you want.
Lei Zhu Aff.M.ASCE
Assistant Professor
UNC Charlotte Distance Education
Charlotte NC
Original Message:
Sent: 03-31-2021 09:57 AM
From: Oanh Le
Subject: Campus Multi-modal shared mobility simulation -SUMO
That's an exciting project. My university had a heightened congestion problem after the decision to merge two previously independent schools into one entity was made. The traffic situation, parking, and commuting could not have been better.
I have not gotten to see a presentation on this and as someone who has not had the opportunity to work intimately on this project as you and your team, the information is not as intuitive for me. Is there a discussion that I could view to get a better understanding of the data?
Thank you for initiating this exciting dialogue.
Oanh Le, EIT
Oanh Le EIT, A.M.ASCE (She/Her)
Rochdale, MA
Original Message:
Sent: 02-15-2021 11:10 AM
From: Lei Zhu
Subject: Campus Multi-modal shared mobility simulation -SUMO
My team is now working on a University campus simulation modeling for multi-modal and emerging mobility systems by using SUMO. The materials can be found
I believe it may help the campus with congestion mitigation and planning. We are open to any collobartions. Feel free to contact me: <maskemail>
Lei Zhu Aff.M.ASCE
Assistant Professor
UNC Charlotte Distance Education
Charlotte NC