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Consulting - Coastal, Port and Marine Engineering

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Dr. Dilip Barua, Ph.D., P.Eng, M.ASCE

Consulting - Coastal, Port and Marine Engineering


Research, and Engineering at the Waterfront and In-Water within Coastal Environments – a Brief on more than 40 Years of my Versatile Experience, Background and Major Specialties.

COASTAL: Metocean – Wind, Wave and Tide; Sea Level Rise – Science, Consequences and Adaptation; Storm Surge and Tsunami; Integrated Coupled Modeling – Wind, Wave, Current, Sediment Transport and Morphology; Cross-shore and Longshore Sand Transport; Coastal Protection; Intakes and Outfalls; Stability of Seabed Pipeline; Wind, Wave and Current Loading; Wave-Structure Interactions - reflection, runup, transmission, overtopping and scour; Inlet; Surf Zone Beach Dynamics and Sand Nourishment; Residual Motion and Transport; Effects Assessment; Coastal Processes – Characterization and Planning

MARITIME & PORT: Harbor Dynamics; Fixed and Floating Breakwaters; Mooring System – Static Stability and Dynamic Ship Motion; Berthing Impact and Fender; Berthing Downtime; LNG Terminal; Propwash Scour Protection; Harbor Sedimentation and Dredging; Vessel Maneuvering and Approach Channel; Navigation and Navigation Aids

RIVERS & ESTUARIES: Hydraulics and Morphodynamics; Flow Turbulence and Eddies; Bedform Dynamics and Flow Resistance; Sediment Load; Seasonality Hydraulics; Optimization of Measurements and Gaging Network; Characterizing: Mobility, Adaptation and Equilibrium in Alluvium, Environmental Controls and Functions; Management and Development Strategy

ORGANIZATION & PROJECTS: Management and Leadership; Coordination; Standards, Codes and Regulations – Best Engineering Practices; Uncertainty and Risk; Scenarios and Multi-criteria Screening of Alternative Solutions; Reviews, Committees and Consultations 

COUNTRIES OF EXPERIENCE: Canada; USA; Bangladesh; New Caledonia (Oceania); Vietnam; Indonesia; UAE (Abu Dhabi); Chile; Peru; Mexico; St. Lucia (West Indies) 

REPORTS & PUBLICATIONS: Many Project Reports; Publications; and Conference Presentations

TEACHING & RES: Delft Hydraulics; USC; BUET; UBC; Adjunct Professor of Ocean Engineering FIT, Florida

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP & AFFILIATION: EGBC (Retired; P. Eng. 2000-2022); ASCE (M. ASCE since 1994); COPRI; IAHR; ISOPE; IEB (Life Fellow)

EDUCATION: BUET (1977); Delft the Netherlands (1982); The University of South Carolina (1992)
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