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Connect with the ASCE-EWRI VP Candidates

  • 1.  Connect with the ASCE-EWRI VP Candidates

    Posted 07-28-2015 11:01 AM

    Dear EWRI Members:

    The voting deadline for the ASCE-EWRI Vice Presidential election is fast approaching (August 13, 2015 5:00 PM Central Time, USA).  All members who are eligible to vote received election login information. If you have not yet voted, look for an email from EWRI Election Coordinator <noreply@...> with a link to your ballot.

    Candidates for the office of ASCE- EWRI Vice President are happy to answer questions regarding their visions for ASCE-EWRI.  You may post your questions in the OPEN FORUM or add them as a contact and write to them directly.   Before you vote, take a moment to learn more about each candidate’s vision for the institute by watching their brief video statements

    Brian Parsons M.ASCE
    Eng. Director
    Reston VA