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climate change

  • 1.  climate change

    Posted 06-12-2017 09:35 AM

    I advocate application of Peer Review Science in evaluating Environmental Issues [fears of melting polar icecaps caused by rising CO2 temperatures from Green House Gas induced Green House Effect when compared to effect  of the warm surface-level current in the Atlantic Ocean melting the polar ice caps [review articles [April and May 2016]. Other professionals share my philosophy and they should be encouraged to express their views



     Galeottia, S. et.al.; "Antarctic Ice Sheet variability across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary climate transition"; Science Vol. 352, Issue 6281, April 1, 2016; pgs. 76-83

     Hand. E. "New Scrutiny for a Slowing Atlantic Conveyor"; Science May 11, 2016, pgs. 751-752

    Please see following:

    Recent peer review articles [April and May 2016] reflect a shift in scientific opinions on Global Warming and Climate Change.

    Goodwin. RW. "Recent peer review articles [April and May 2016] reflect a shift in scientific opinions on Global Warming and Climate Change" Oil Pro; June 5, 2016


    Richard Goodwin Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE
    Envir Engr Consultant
    Lake Worth FL
    Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCEEnvir Engr ConsultantEnvir Engr Consultant